So big, so quick!


It just blows my mind how fast babies grow! My baby is now 10 months old! Time surely flies so fast and you don’t even notice it!  The last time I blogged, Nathan was just 3 months old and now he is getting ready to walk and is soon turning one! It’s just amazing to see his development.  Almost every month I could see changes in him that suggest healthy growth. I really thank God that he is a healthy and a normal baby. His pedia couldn’t be more happy seeing him grow as he does.

Nathan is growing so fast that there are times that I wanted to slow down his growth process.  I want to really cherish every moment of his growing up phases.  They said that when they start to walk, they start to walk away from you.  I hope it’s not going to be true with my Nathan. lol.

Since I am a first time mom, there are a lot of things that I am eager to learn about being a mom as well as learn about my baby.  I want to be the best mom for him.  So I did a lot of online research just to guide me with regards to my baby’s developmental growth.  And that’s when I learned about certain milestones that every baby achieves on a monthly basis.  This became my sort of rule book to determine how my baby is doing.  But of course, every baby is different and every baby has their own different pace in achieving their “own” milestones. So don’t force your baby nor hurry her up to achieve hers.  Let her enjoy growing up and achieving her milestone at her own pace and style! I believe that “babyhood” is a time for fun growth and discovery so it shouldn’t be rushed. Your baby will not pass through that stage again so let them enjoy it to the fullest. And you as well, mommy, enjoy every minute of her uniqueness because it sure happens so quickly!

As Nathan achieves his milestone one after another, his personality is slowly unraveling as well.  He’s such a happy, easy-to-take-care-of, sweet little guy.  He is also a charmer that he would always flash his winsome smile to whoever is trying to play with him or even talk to him. Yes, even strangers who couldn’t resist his cuteness! lol.  I’m not bragging about it but everywhere we go whether at church, at a mall or even in a restaurant Nathan never fails to attract attention and people would come up to us and tell us how adorable our baby is.  Of course as the parent, you couldn’t help but be thrilled as well!

Every time Nathan would achieve a milestone I get really excited just like any other first time mom. lol.  So here are my Nathan’s “own” milestones and uniqueness:

2 months – Starts sleeping in his own crib in his own room alone. Shows interest in music by responding when I sing to him.

3 months – He rolls over on his own but not back yet. Smiles a lot. Didn’t have any separation anxiety when he starts day care.

4 months – He cuts his first two front bottom teeth! Starts rolling over and back with ease. Charms any one who talks or plays with him.

5 months – He starts feeding on solid food.  Sleeps 10-12 hours straight. Enjoys his bath time more. Sits up with support.

6 months – Claps his hands when you tell him to.  Knows his name when you call him. Said his first word, “dada.” Shows more curiosity about things around him. Looks at you very intently when you talk to him. Sits up without support.

7 months – Starts crawling with belly still on the floor.  Talks a lot! Explores things by “scratching” them. Loves to play and goof around a lot.

8 months – Masters the art of crawling. Loves being sang to and responds by singing himself. Starts showing interest in books. Knows what “all gone” mean.  He claps his hands when I exclaim “all gone!” after giving him the last spoonful of his solid food! But he cries when he wants more. lol

9 months – Starts to stand up with support. Usually he does it in his crib. Eats just about anything except for shell fish and peanuts. Very strong appetite. Loves to explore. We started to introduce the wonderful word called, “No.” 🙂 Easily laughs when you make goofy gestures specially with your face and voice. Starts saying “mama.”

10 months – Starts to stand up on his own by holding on to something. Talks a lot and aloud! It’s VERY easy to make him laugh and smile. Loves it when you make funny faces and peek-a-boo is still his all-time favorite play time! Learns to do “flying kisses,” “gimme five,” and “buh-bye” by waving his hand. Looks at the fish I have on my bathroom wall when I ask him where the fish is, and looks at the light when I ask where it is. He’s also learning what kiss is. When I say give Mommy a kiss, he stops and moves his face forward anticipating a kiss! Dances when you say dance or when you sing to him. 🙂

In less than two months, my little charmer and explorer will be turning one.  I still can’t believe how fast he’s growing.  I still can remember so vividly the first time I learned that I was pregnant.  I was totally ecstatic! He truly was the highlight of our 2013. As his name connotes, Nathan, is our wonderful gift from God! He’s the answer to many of our prayers.  We prayed and hoped for a boy for our first born. God protected him even while he’s still in my womb.  Amidst being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and passing out one time at work, he came out a healthy, bouncing baby boy at 8.11 lbs!  His budding beautiful personality is such a delight to see and as a mom and it makes me so proud.  The road ahead is still long for this neophyte mom but I know that everyday will be filled with excitement and anticipation as my little man continue to unleash his beautiful uniqueness in the world.

By God’s grace, I’ll be there with you all the way, Champ! 🙂

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